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[Bücher aus der Hölle] Nalini Singh: Rock Kiss – Eine Nacht ist nicht genug

Originatitel: Rock Addiction Rock Kiss #1


In ihrer Kindheit stand Molly Webster wegen eines hässlichen Skandals ständig im Fokus der Medien. Seither hat sie sich geschworen, ein unauffälliges Leben zu führen. Doch dann begegnet ihr der Rockstar Zachary Fox, dessen verführerische Stimme und sinnliche Berührung ihr tief unter die Haut gehen. […]

[Rezension] Lauren Runow: Gravity


Gravity is not your normal, sweet romance of childhood friends to lovers. Spanning over twenty years—it’s raw, it’s real, asking the question if soul mates really exist.

Lily At eight years old, the boy next door changed my life. He was the force pulling me toward him despite our differences. It was like magic. […]

[Rezension] Olivia Cunning: Double Time

Sinners on Tour, #5


On the rebound from the tumult of his bisexual lifestyle, notoriously sexy rock guitarist Trey Mills falls for sizzling new female guitar sensation Reagan Elliot and is swept into the hot, heady romance he never dreamed possible.

Ecstatic to be on tour learning the ropes with Trey’s band, The Sinners, […]

[Keine Rezension] Heidi McLaughlin: Forever my Girl

The Beaumont Series, #1


I was never supposed to be a rock star. I had my life all planned out for me. Play football in college. Go to the NFL. Marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after.

I broke both our hearts that day when I told her I was […]

Die Sinners haben ausgerockt.

Na ja, nicht so ganz, aber während die Autorin heftig den nächsten Band der Sinners-Serie bewirbt, der am 5. Februar erscheinen wird, muss ich feststellen, dass ich das Buch noch nicht mal vorbestellt und zumindest im Moment auch keinerlei Lust darauf habe. Vom Vorgänger hab ich nach wie vor nur ein paar Kapitel gelesen, und […]

[Keine Rezension] Olivia Cunning: Tempt Me

One Night With Sole Regret, #02


For almost a year, Madison has been Adam’s hook-up every time his band, Sole Regret, tours through Dallas. But in spite of the way he sets her body ablaze with passion, the occasional night of rock-her-world sex isn’t enough anymore. She needs a commitment and knows that […]

[Breaking News] »Tempt Me« ist da!

Obwohl ich die ganze Zeit immer wieder nach dem zweiten Band von »Sole Regret« geschaut habe, ist mir das Erscheinen von »Tempt Me« dann doch erst mal entgangen. Damit es euch nicht auch so geht: »Tempt Me« ist raus! ;)

Olivia Cunning: Sole Regret 02 – Tempt me

One more night…

For almost a […]

[Rezension] Olivia Cunning: Try Me

One Night with Sole Regret, #01

Inhalt (Amazon): Melanie has no desire to meet the members of the rock band, Sole Regret, but her groupie of a best friend gets them both backstage and then rushes off with the band’s lead singer. Left alone at an after party with a bunch of scary tattooed and […]

[Rezension] Lexxie Couper: Love’s Rhythm

Kurzbeschreibung (Amazon): Nick Blackthorne knows all about words of love. They’re the reason he’s the world’s biggest rock star. The irony? He turned his back on love a long time ago, lured away by the trappings of fame. An invitation to a friend’s wedding is a stark reminder of how meaningless his life has become. […]

[Rezension] Jet Mykles: Heaven

Heaven Sent, #1

Beschreibung (All Romance): The Weiss Strande Hotel is in trouble. Business just isn’t what it used to be when Tyler’s father ran the family-owned hotel. On top of business being down, dad’s sick with cancer and bills have skyrocketed.

Desperate to save his family interest, Tyler and his best friend sink their […]