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Elle Kennedy: The Risk (Briar U #2)


Everyone says I’m a bad girl. They’re only partly right—I don’t let fear rule me, and I certainly don’t care what people think. But I draw the line at sleeping with the enemy. As the daughter of Briar’s head hockey coach, I’d be vilified if I hooked up with a player from a rival […]

[Rezension] Kelly Jamieson: Shut Out

Serie: Bayard Hockey, #1


The Bayard College hockey team isn’t where Jacob Flass thought he’d be a season ago. He was a rising star in the Canadian major junior league, cruising toward a spot on an NHL roster—until a single disastrous night on the town brought it all crashing down. Now he’s out of […]

[Bücher aus der Hölle] Apryl Baker: Touch me not

Serie: Manwhore, #1


A past tragedy has left Lily Holmes burdened with a devastating secret…

Since the death of her twin sister, Lily can’t bear to be touched. Not accidentally, not casually…and certainly not intimately. This makes it impossible for her to confess to her best friend Adam Roberts that she’s in love […]

Elle Kennedy: Off-Campus-Serie

Anfang des Jahres bin ich über das hervorragend bewertete Buch »The Deal« gestolpert und hab eher skeptisch angefangen, es zu lesen. Es ist nämlich ein New-Adult-Buch, und dass Höchstbewertungen überhaupt nichts bedeuten, schon gar nicht, was NA-Bücher angeht, ist ja hinlänglich bekannt. Aber was soll ich sagen – ich mochte den Roman, sehr sogar. So […]