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[Rezension] Sherry Thomas: Tempting the Bride

Fitzhughes, #3

Verlagstext: Helena Fitzhugh understands perfectly well that she would be ruined should her secret love affair be discovered. So when a rendezvous goes wrong and she is about to be caught in the act, it is with the greatest reluctance that she accepts help from David Hillsborough, Viscount Hastings, and elopes with him […]

[Rezension] Sherry Thomas: Ravishing the Heiress

Fitzhugh, #02

Klappentext: Millicent understands the terms of her arranged marriage all too well. She gets to be a Countess by marrying an impoverished Earl. And in return, the Earl Fitzhugh receives the benefit of her vast wealth, saving his family from bankruptcy. Because of her youth, they have agreed to wait eight years before […]

[Rezension] Sherry Thomas: Beguiling the Beauty

Fitzhugh Trilogy, #01

Klappentext: When the Duke of Lexington meets the mysterious Baroness von Seidlitz-Hardenberg on a transatlantic liner, he is fascinated. She’s exactly what he’s been searching for—a beautiful woman who interests and entices him. He falls hard and fast—and soon proposes marriage.

And then she disappears without a trace…

For in reality, […]

[Rezension] Sherry Thomas: Not Quite A Husband

Deutsch: Gefährliche Leidenschaften

Klappentext: Their marriage lasted only slightly longer than the honeymoon—to no one’s surprise, not even Bryony Asquith’s. A man as talented, handsome, and sought after by society as Leo Marsden couldn’t possibly want to spend his entire life with a woman who rebelled against propriety by becoming a doctor. Why, […]

[Rezension] Sherry Thomas: His at Night

Inhalt: Lord Vere wird in seiner Funktion als Geheimagent aufs Land geschickt, um den verbrecherischen Diamantenhändler Edmund Douglas unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Mithilfe eines Tricks verschafft er sich in Douglas‘ Abwesenheit eine Einladung ins Haus, wo er auf die Nichte des Verbrechers trifft. Vere ist gleichermaßen fasziniert wie abgestoßen von Elissande Edgerton, die stets […]

[Rezension] Sherry Thomas: Delicious

Inhalt: Die Köchin Verity Durant ist ebenso bekannt für ihre herausragenden Kochkünste wie für ihr skandalöses Liebesleben. Als Stuart Somerset das Landgut erbt, auf dem Verity arbeitet, interessiert er sich nicht besonders für die Köchin – bis er das erste mal ihr Essen probiert. Überwältigt von den wunderbar kombinierten Geschmäckern, will er die Genüsse […]