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[Angelesen] Laura Lee Gurhke: Wedding of the Season

Ich schnapp mir jetzt den neuen Gurhke, auch wenn das hinsichtlich der ABC-Challenge nicht gerade umsichtig ist – es ist nämlich bereits der dritte W-Titel in diesem Jahr. Bei vier Büchern! *tsk*


Lady Beatrix Danbury had always known she would marry William Mallory. She’d loved him forever and she’d never doubted he loved her, too. But when she made him choose between their life together or his lifelong dream, Will chose the latter . . . and left two weeks before their wedding.

Will has no illusions that Beatrix would welcome him back with open arms, but six years did not dim his love or desire for her. The only problem is, she’s about to marry someone else. Someone safe and predictable . . . the complete opposite of Will. But can he stop the wedding of the season and win Beatrix back, or is it just too late?

Erster Satz:

The Earl of Danbury
Requests the honor of your presence
At the marriage of his daughter
Lady Beatrix Elizabeth Anne,
William James Mallory,
The Marquess of Richfield,
Son of the Duke of Sunderland
On Tuesday,
The fifteenths day of September, 1896
At half past twelve o’clock
St. Mary’s Church
Stafford St. Mary, Devonshire


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