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[Angelesen] Kieran Kramer: When Harry Met Molly

Schon seit Erscheinen hab ich den Debütroman von Kieran Kramer auf dem Zettel, jetzt konnte ich ihn günstig bei Ebay ersteigern. Es soll sich bei dem Buch, das hochgelobt wird, um eine »Humorous Regency Romance« handeln; mein erster Eindruck ist allerdings eher durchwachsen. Vielleicht hab ich deshalb gestern den gesamten Nachmittag lieber mit einem total niedlichen Spiel auf dem iPad vergammelt … ;)

Dashing Lord Harry Traemore is perfectly content to live out his days in the pursuit of pleasure. But when he’s named by the Prince regent as one of society’s ‚Impossible bachelors‘, Harry is drafted into a ribald romantic wager. The rules of engagement are scandalously simple: the bachelor whose mistress wins the title of ‚Most Delectable Companion‘ gets to remain unmarried. Harry is utterly unconcerned about his status…until his latest lightskirt abandons him.
Enter Lady Molly Fairbanks. Harry’s childhood friend actually, ‚foe‘ is more like it – is the most unlikely companion of all. She’s attractive but hot-headed, and in no mood for games. Besides, what could the self-indulgent Harry possible know about what makes a woman delectable? It’s time for Molly to teach him a lesson once and for all…but will lead to happily ever after?

Erster Satz:

Thirteen-year-old Lady Mary »Molly« Fairbanks, daughter of the widowed Earl of Sutton, seethed with emotion on a daily basis, wether she was cleaning her teeth, breaking the shell on her morning egg, or riding her favorite mare.

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