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[Druckfrisch] 21.–27. Juni 2012

Es gibt noch ein paar letzte druckfrische deutsche und englische Bücher im Juni. Und da ich bei der letzten Druckfrisch-Ausgabe aus Zeitgründen auf die englischen Ausgaben verzichtet habe, reich ich diesmal noch ein paar Highlights nach.

Ben Aaronovich: Peter Grant 02 – Schwarzer Mond über Soho (OT: Moon Over Soho)
Constable Peter Grant ist ein ganz normaler Londoner Bobby. Die Abteilung, in der er arbeitet, ist allerdings alles andere als normal: ihr Spezialgebiet ist – die Magie. Peters Vorgesetzter, Detective Inspector Thomas Nightingale, ist der letzte Magier Englands und Peter seit kurzem bei ihm in der Ausbildung.

Was im Moment vor allem das Auswendiglernen von Lateinvokabeln bedeutet, die uralten Zaubersprüche wollen schließlich korrekt aufgesagt werden. Doch als Peter eines Nachts zu der Leiche eines Jazzmusikers gerufen wird, verliert das Lateinstudium auf einmal seine Dringlichkeit. Peter findet heraus, dass in den Jazzclubs in Soho, im Herzen Londons, plötzlich verdächtig viele Musiker eines unerwarteten Todes sterben. Hier geht etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zu …

Yvonne Woon: Dead Beautiful 02 – Unendliche Sehnsucht (OT: Life Eternal)
Die Ereignisse des letzten Sommers haben Renées Leben komplett verändert. Ihre alte Schule musste geschlossen werden, ihre große Liebe Dante ist untergetaucht. Seit seinem Kuss schläft sie kaum, ihre Sinne sind abgestumpft und sie sieht reifer und schöner aus – trägt sie einen Teil seiner unsterblichen Seele in sich? An ihrer neuen Schule, dem St. Clemént, wird Renée mit Argwohn betrachtet – außer von einem Jungen namens Noah. Mit ihm kommt sie dem Geheimnis der Untoten Stück für Stück näher und begibt sich dabei selbst in tödliche Gefahr …
Diana Gabaldon: Lord John 03 – Die Fackeln der Freiheit (OT: Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner)
Lord John Grey hat ein Dilemma: Am liebsten würde er Jamie Fraser, der sein Dasein als Strafgefangener in Helwater fristet, nie wiedersehen. Doch seine Offiziersehre verpflichtet ihn, eine politische Intrige aufzuklären, deren Schlüssel allein bei Fraser liegt.

Doch auch Jamie Fraser steht vor einer schwierigen Entscheidung. Wenn er sich weigert, John Grey bei den Ermittlungen gegen ein Nest jakobitischer Verschwörer zu helfen, setzt er alles aufs Spiel, was er liebt. Ist er Grey jedoch zu Willen, geht er das Risiko ein, alte Kameraden zu verraten.

Doch die Katastrophe von Culloden, bei der Jamie seine geliebte Claire verloren hat, wirft einen langen Schatten, und Jamie muss verhindern, dass sich die Jakobiten erneut erheben – und erneut dem Untergang entgegen gehen. Unfreiwillig vereint, verfolgen der Offizier und der Rebell ein gemeinsames Ziel – und besinnen sich zögernd der Freundschaft, die sie einst verband.

Samuel Benchetrit: Rimbaud und die Dinge des Herzens (OT: Le coeur en dehors)
Der zehnjährige Charly ist gewohnt, dass die Polizei seine Mutter ab und zu aus ihrer Wohnung in dem heruntergekommenen Hochhaus holt – immer geht es um seinen Bruder Henry und dessen Drogenprobleme. Doch heute hat sie ihn zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben nicht angelächelt: Was ist Schlimmes passiert? Er muss sie einfach finden, auch wenn er dafür die Schule schwänzen und die Hilfe all seiner Freunde beanspruchen wird. Mit klopfendem Herzen läuft er durch das Viertel, erzählt von seinen Sorgen, von seinen Träumen und von den zwei Frauen, die er liebt – seine Mutter und seinen heimlichen Schwarm Mélanie. Und wenn er gar keine Antworten mehr findet, sucht er Zuflucht bei den Versen seines Lieblingsdichters Rimbaud. (Erstmals im Taschenbuch)
Ellen Berg: Das bisschen Kuchen (OT)
Mach dich dünne! Der Feind trägt Größe 34 und hat es auf Nikis Gatten Wolfgang abgesehen. Nach Jahren der molligen Idylle nimmt Niki den Kampf auf: um ihren Mann, ihre Familie – ihren Körper! Sie geht in eine Fastenklinik, wo sie unter Glaubersalz und Schlemmerphantasien leidet. Bis sie Bekanntschaft mit dem Shiatsu-Masseur macht. Sollte Fasten der neue Sex sein? Aber was war noch mal Sex?
Carla Buckley: Die Luft, die du atmest (OT: The Things That Keep us Here)
Wie weit gehst du, um deine Familie zu retten? Ann ist verzweifelt. Ihr Mann Peter, ein Wissenschaftler, realisiert als Erster, dass sich das Vogelgrippe-virus verändert hat: Es überträgt sich von Mensch zu Mensch. Und es tötet jeden Zweiten. Eine Pandemie ungeahnten Ausmaßes ist die Folge. Die Lebensmittel werden knapp, der Strom fällt aus. Ann hat Angst um ihre beiden Töchter. Als eine erkrankte Freundin ihr Baby vor Anns Tür legt, muss diese eine folgenschwere Entscheidung treffen …
Dörthe Binkert: Brombeersommer (OT)
Deutschland in den frühen 50er Jahren. Die Menschen haben die Hoffnung auf neue Zeiten im Herzen, aber den Krieg noch im Kopf. Karl, Anfang 30, verweigert sich dem Vergessen und dem unbeschwerten Glauben an die Zukunft. In seiner Heimatstadt trifft er seinen Jugendfreund Theo wieder und auch die storchenbeinige Viola.

Theo studiert Jura, macht Karriere und heiratet Viola, die für das städtische Theater Kostüme näht und Billie Holiday hört. Eine ungewöhnliche Freundschaft zu dritt entsteht. Gemeinsam entdecken Viola, Theo und Karl das Leben neu, teilen, was sie haben, feiern übermütige Feste. Und Karl verliebt sich in die Frau seines besten Freundes …

Melissa Marr: Sommerlicht 05: Aus dunkler Gnade (OT: Darkest Mercy)
Der Sommerkönig Keenan ist verschwunden. Die Elfenhöfe bereiten sich auf die entscheidende Schlacht vor. Ein mächtiger Fremder ist auf den nächtlichen Straßen von Huntsdale unterwegs. Und Ashlyn – die sehnt sich wie verrückt nach Seth, während sie versucht, ihren eigenen Hof zusammenzuhalten. Aber Seth hat mittlerweile eine ganz eigene Rolle im Spiel der Mächte – und das könnte ihn das Leben kosten …
Megan McCafferty: Jessica Darling 05 – Im fünften Himmel (OT: Perfect Fifths)
Seit drei Jahren haben Jessica und Marcus sich jetzt nicht gesehen – eine Ewigkeit! Jessica hat (mehr oder weniger erfolgreich) versucht, erwachsen zu werden, aber neu verliebt hat sie sich nie – dazu denkt sie immer noch viel zu viel an Marcus. Als Jessica nun durch den Flughafen hetzt, um zur Hochzeit ihrer alten Freundin Bridget zu fliegen, läuft sie plötzlich direkt in ihn hinein. Und spürt sofort wieder die alte Verbundenheit. Zufall oder Schicksal? Da Jessie zu allem Übel ihren Flug verpasst und über Nacht auf dem Flughafen festsitzt, haben die beiden 24 Stunden Zeit, das herauszufinden …
Maya Banks: McCabes 01 – Im Bett mit einem Highlander (OT: In Bed with a Highlander)
„Herr, ich habe ihr königliches Mal gesehen!“ Wie vom Donner gerührt, erfährt der Highlander Ewan McCabe von einer Magd, wer die Fremde auf seiner Burg ist: Lady Mairin mit dem rabenschwarzen Haar und den Augen so blau wie der Sommerhimmel gehört der schottischen Königsfamilie an! Sie besitzt Land und Geld – das er dringend für das Überleben seines Clans und den Rachefeldzug gegen die verhassten Camerons benötigt. Dazu hat ihre Schönheit sein Verlangen geweckt …und so drängt er auf eine Hochzeit. Doch noch bevor er sie in sein Bett geholt hat, stehen die Feinde vor der Burg! Um zu töten – und um Mairin zu entführen …
Karen Hawkins: MacLean Curse 03 – Herzdame für den Highlander (OT: To Catch a Highlander)
Ihr geliebtes Heim – beim Kartenspiel verloren? Entsetzt erfährt die schöne Sophia, dass ihr Vater den Familiensitz an Lord Dougal MacLean verspielt hat. Aber das Anwesen aufzugeben kommt für die kämpferische Schottin nicht in Frage! Sie empfängt den gefährlich gut aussehenden Highlander mit einem Ass im Ärmel. Mutig fordert sie ihn zu einem letzten, alles entscheidenden Spiel heraus. Mit einem Einsatz, dem er nicht widerstehen kann – ihrer Unschuld. Doch in Dougal hat Sophia ihren Meister gefunden. Und während ein sinnliches Spiel beginnt, erkennt Sophia, dass in dieser Nacht mehr als ihr unbescholtener Ruf in Gefahr ist: Herz ist Trumpf …
Stacia Cane: Downside Ghosts 05 – Chasing Magic
Magic-wielding Churchwitch and secret addict Chess Putnam knows better than anyone just how high a price people are willing to pay for a chemical rush. But when someone with money to burn and a penchant for black magic starts tampering with Downside’s drug supply, Chess realizes that the unlucky customers are paying with their souls—and taking the innocent with them, as the magic-infused speed compels them to kill in the most gruesome ways possible.

As if the streets weren’t scary enough, the looming war between the two men in her life explodes, taking even more casualties and putting Chess squarely in the middle. Downside could become a literal ghost town if Chess doesn’t find a way to stop both the war and the dark wave of death-magic, and the only way to do that is to use both her addiction and her power to enter the spell and chase the magic all the way back to its malevolent source. Too bad that doing so will probably kill Chess—if the war doesn’t first destroy the man who’s become her reason for living.

Gena Showalter: Angels of the Dark 01 – WIcked Nights
Leader of the most powerful army in the heavens, Zacharel has been deemed nearly too dangerous, too ruthless—and if he isn’t careful, he’ll lose his wings. But this warrior with a heart of ice will not be deterred from his missions at any cost…until a vulnerable human tempts him with a carnal pleasure he’s never known before.
Accused of a crime she did not commit, Annabelle Miller has spent four years in an institution for the criminally insane. Demons track her every move, and their king will stop at nothing to have her. Zacharel is her only hope for survival, but is the brutal angel with a touch as hot as hell her salvation—or her ultimate damnation?
Jeanine Frost: Night Prince 09 – Once Burned
After a tragic accident scarred her body and destroyed her dreams, Leila never imagined that the worst was still to come: a terrifying ability to channel electricity and to see a person’s darkest secrets through a single touch. Leila is doomed to a life of solitude…until creatures of the night kidnap her, forcing her to reach out with a telepathic distress call to the world’s most infamous vampire…

Vlad Tepesh inspired the greatest vampire legend of all—but whatever you do, don’t call him Dracula. Vlad’s ability to control fire makes him one of the most feared vampires in existence, but his enemies have found a new weapon against him—a beautiful mortal with powers to match his own. When Vlad and Leila meet, however, passion ignites, threatening to consume them. It will take everything they have to stop an enemy intent on bringing them down in flames.

Lisa Cach: Great-Aunt Sophia’s Lessons for Bombshells
Grace Cavanaugh is hell-bent on proving her Women’s Studies dissertation thesis that beauty only leads to misery. And what better research subject than her great-aunt Sophia, a former B-movie star? Now eighty-five and facing surgery, Sophia has asked Grace for company. . . .

Grace imagines a helpless, lonely old woman, forced to turn to a great-niece she barely knows. Instead she finds the aging diva holding court in a Pebble Beach mansion, oozing a bombshell-itude—arthritis and wrinkles be damned—that captivates every male in sight. To Grace’s dismay, her greataunt decides a perfect distraction would be transforming the frumpy feminist into a femme fatale who purrs for her suitors . . . or devours them. She ordains classes in everything from carb cutting to lingerie, culminating in a challenging final exam. The newly svelte Grace must test her wiles—on both devilishly handsome and morally corrupt Declan and sensitive but painfully awkward Dr. Andrew.

Newly unleashed desires—and the discovery of a closely held family secret— threaten the bookworm-turned-babe’s entire feminist upbringing. Her thesis gone sadly awry, Grace wonders if her great-aunt is right: Will trusting her heart lead her to find beauty in the most unexpected places?

Jill Shalvis: Lucky Harbor 05 – At Last
Amy Michaels loves her new life in Lucky Harbor. A waitress in the local diner, she’s looking forward to her first weekend hike through the mountains. But when a wrong turn takes her off the trail, she finds herself up close and personal with forest ranger Matt Bowers. And even though she’s tempted to kiss that sexy smile right off his face, she won’t make the mistake of getting involved with the town heartthrob.

A former cop whose life went south, Matt doesn’t let anyone get too close. But something about the feisty beauty caught his eye the moment he first saw her in the diner. After a hot night under a starry sky, Matt can’t deny their attraction-or the fact that for the first time in a long time, he feels the stirrings of something more. Now it’s up to Matt to help Amy see that, no matter what is in their past, together they can build a future in Lucky Harbor.

Susan Mallery: Fool’s Gold 08 – Summer Nights
Horse whisperer Shane Stryker is done with passion. This time around, he’s determined to meet someone who will be content with the quiet life of a rancher’s wife. And the fiery, pint-size redhead who dazzles him at the local bar definitely does not fit the bill.
Small-town librarian Annabelle Weiss has always seen herself as more of a sweetheart than a siren, so she can’t understand why Shane keeps pushing her away. Shane has formed the totally wrong impression of her but only he can help her with a special event for the next Fool’s Gold festival. And maybe while he’s at it, she can convince him to teach her a few things about kissing on hot summer nights, too—some lessons, a girl shouldn’t learn from reading a book!
Maya Banks: Colters‘ Legacy 04 – Colters‘ Promise
When it came to overcoming the odds of a tragic past, Lily was determined to move on. The three Colter brothers helped her do it. They taught her new ways to love, new dreams to share, and offered her a new life that she never thought possible. Now is a time for celebration, and what better way than with a long-awaited family reunion, a homecoming that will bring together the entire Colter family and a few surprises no one anticipated. But first, there’s something from Lily’s past she still needs to reconcile—even when all the while she is holding close to her heart a newfound secret that will change her future, forever enrich the Colter legacy, and make every promise come true.
Shirlee Busbee: Becomes Her 06 – Desire Becomes Her
Gillian Dashwood is a widow with a scandalous past. Half the town believes her guilty of murdering her first husband, a notorious and depraved gambler. Now, two years later, Gillian goes to stay at her uncle’s estate and there meets Lucien „Lucifer“ Joslyn. Luc arrived in England from France months ago, suffering from the effects of an infected gunshot wound. Once recovered, he won a small fortune at the gaming tables. Knowing her reputation, Luc is suspicious of Gillian and her motives. Gillian is equally suspicious of Luc. She despises gamblers and yet, despite all the reasons why she shouldn’t, she finds herself responding to Luc’s undeniable attractiveness. But could she dare to risk her heart with such a man?
Elizabeth Hoyt: Maiden Lane 04 – Thief of Shadows
Winter Makepeace lives a double life. By day he’s the stoic headmaster of a home for foundling children. But the night brings out a darker side of Winter. As the moon rises, so does the Ghost of St. Giles-protector, judge, fugitive. When the Ghost, beaten and wounded, is rescued by a beautiful aristocrat, Winter has no idea that his two worlds are about to collide.

Lady Isabel Beckinhall enjoys nothing more than a challenge. Yet when she’s asked to tutor the Home’s dour manager in the ways of society-flirtation, double-entendres, and scandalous liaisons-Isabel can’t help wondering why his eyes seem so familiar-and his lips so tempting.

During the day Isabel and Winter engage in a battle of wills. At night their passions are revealed . . . But when little girls start disappearing from St. Giles, Winter must avenge them. For that he might have to sacrifice everything-the Home, Isabel . . . and his life.


Loretta Chase: Dressmakers 02 – Scandal Wears Satin
A blue-eyed innocent on the outside and a shark on the inside, dressmaker Sophy Noirot could sell sand to Bedouins. Selling Maison Noirot’s beautiful designs to aristocratic ladies is a little harder, especially since a recent family scandal has made an enemy of one of society’s fashion leaders. Turning scandal to the shop’s advantage requires every iota of Sophy’s skills, leaving her little patience for a big, reckless rake like the Earl of Longmore. The gorgeous lummox can’t keep more than one idea in his head at a time, and his idea is taking off all of Sophy’s clothes.

But when Longmore’s sister, Noirot’s wealthiest, favorite customer, runs away, Sophy can’t let him bumble after her on his own. In hot pursuit with the one man who tempts her beyond reason, she finds desire has never slipped on so smoothly . . .

Candace Camp: Legend of St. Dwynwen 02 – A Summer Seduction
No one in tiny Chesley knows the truth about Damaris Howard; a woman of wealth and beauty, she rarely allows anyone to get close. Her past was marked by scandal and abandonment—better to stay aloof and reinvent herself.

Then Damaris meets Alec Stafford, the Earl of Rowden. The tall, handsome border lord is a man of quiet but deep passion, raised to show no weakness and burned once before by a woman’s love. But when he and Damaris cross paths inside London society, they set sparks of attraction blazing—and rumors flying.

And when someone abducts Damaris from the city streets, Alec must stake more than his reputation to rescue her. . . . Finding out who’s behind a dangerous plot plunges Alec and Damaris together in an intimacy that melts their well-guarded reserve, proving that true love’s rich rewards may just be worth the risks.

Johanna Lindsey: Let Love Find You
ondon society has its very own Cupid. Renowned horse breeder and occasional matchmaker Devin Baldwin pairs eligible young ladies with suitable gentlemen based on his theory of animal magnetism. Unafraid of ruffling the ton’s feathers, this darkly handsome Cupid doles out tips for bettering one’s chances of meeting a mate that are as pointed as the love legend’s sharpest arrows!

Lovely Amanda Locke, the daughter of a duke, is everything a nobleman could desire, yet she enters her third Season still searching for a match. Gossipmongers’ tongues are wagging, and her mystified family is considering drastic measures to find her a husband. But the insufferable advice of this Cupid fellow is the last thing Amanda wants.

When an earl passionate about horses becomes the target of her husband hunt, Amanda knows it’s time to overcome her fear of riding. With her sister-in-law Ophelia hastening the romance along by arranging riding lessons, Amanda is soon taking instruction from infuriating Devin Baldwin. Astonishingly, in her daily encounters with Devin—who treats her as an ordinary young woman, not a prize to be won at the marriage mart—Amanda experiences passion for the first time. Now, her search for a match takes her in an unexpected direction as she finds herself falling in love with Cupid himself.

Katharine Ashe: Falcon Club 02 – How to Be a Proper Lady
The Rules of Being a Proper Lady
1) Never take steps greater than six inches apart.
2) Never look boldly at a gentleman.
3) And never, ever, kiss a man who is not your fiancé.

But beautiful, bold Viola Carlyle doesn’t care about the rules. And she desperately wants to kiss the notoriously tempting Captain Jin Seton, the man who brought her kicking and fighting back to English society. Kidnapped as a child, now she longs to return to that life of freedom where she was able to live—and love—as she wished.

Having hunted Viola for two years, Jin Seton has finally found his good luck—for, by finding Viola, his oldest, deepest debt will at last be paid. And although he has vowed not to let her win his heart, this very improper lady might finally be the one who tames him.

Carrie Lofty: The Christies 02 – Starlight
An esteemed astronomer, Alex Christie, the eldest and most steadfast of the Christie siblings, has never possessed his late father’s ruthless business drive. But to protect his frail infant son from his cruel father-in-law’s bid for custody, the young widower must undertake Sir William Christie’s posthumous million-dollar challenge: to make a Glasgow cotton mill profitable. At sea in an industrial world of sabotage and union agitation, Alex meets Polly Gowan, daughter of a famed union leader, who hopes to seize a mysterious saboteur without involving the police.
Because a sympathetic mill master would aid her cause, Polly becomes Alex’s guide to urban Scotland. From soccer games to pub brawls, Alex sees another side of life, and feels free for the first time to reveal the man—vital and strong—behind his intellectual exterior. Polly is utterly seduced. Their ambitions, however, remain at odds: Alex vows to earn the mill bonus to save his child, while Polly fights for the needs of her people. Is there strength enough in their sparkling passion to bind them together in their quests— and in a lasting love that conquers all?
Christina Brooke: Ministry of Marriage 03 – A Duchess to Remember
Lady Cecily Westruther is nothing if not practical. By agreeing to marry an older duke who already has an heir and a mistress, she can assume a wifely role – without the wifely duties. Only one thing stands in her way – a letter that could destroy her betrothal. Desperate to retrieve that letter, Cecily must match wits with the most dangerously seductive man she’s ever known. A Practical Engagement – Lady Cecily Westruther is nothing if not practical. By agreeing to marry an older duke who already has an heir and a mistress, she can assume a wifely role – without the wifely duties. Only one thing stands in her way – a letter that could destroy her betrothal. Desperate to retrieve that letter, Cecily must match wits with the most dangerously seductive man she’s ever known…A Passionate Marriage – Disguised as a footman, Cecily gains entry to her adversary’s house – only to be unmasked by London’s most powerful man. Rand, Duke of Ashburn, is accustomed to getting any woman he wants – and he wants Cecily. He will stop at nothing, including seduction, to make her his. But Rand holds a secret more shocking and destructive than that letter could ever be…
Charlotte Featherstone: Brethren Guardians 03 – Temptation & Twilight
Iain Sinclair, Marquis of Alynwick, is certain there is a special hell for him. An unrepentant rake, he holds nothing sacred—except for beautiful Elizabeth York. For years, Alynwick has tried to forget the woman he loved so well, and treated so badly. A woman who could hold nothing in her heart for him but hatred.
All of society believes Elizabeth, the blind daughter of a duke, to be a proper young lady. But no one knows of her wanton affair with Alynwick. When Lizzy learns of her ancestor’s ancient diary—filled with exotic tales—she longs to uncover the identity of the unnamed lover within and hesitantly agrees to allow Alynwick, who claims to have knowledge of the „veiled lady,“ to help her solve the mystery.

Eager to be Lizzy’s eyes, Alynwick brings the seductive text to life, and each night it takes greater effort for her to remember his betrayal. With each whispered word, her resolve gives way, without her knowing that a centuries-old secret will lead them to a present-day danger.

Karen Ranney: A Scandalous Scot
After four long years, Morgan MacCraig has finally returned to the Highlands of his birth . . . with his honor in shreds. After a scandal, all he wants now is solace-yet peace is impossible to find with the castle’s outspoken new maid trying his patience, challenging his manhood . . . and winning his love, body and soul.

Jean MacDonald wants to leave her past behind and start anew, but Ballindair Castle, a Scottish estate rumored to be haunted, hasn’t been the safe haven she envisioned. Ballindair’s ancestral ghosts aren’t as fascinating as Morgan, the most magnificent man she’s ever seen. Though their passion triggers a fresh scandal that could force them to wed, Jean must first share the secrets of her own past-secrets that could force them apart, or be the beginning of a love and redemption unlike anything they’ve ever known.

Emma Lang: The Circle Eight 02 – Brody
A year after their family was brutally torn apart, the Graham siblings begin to put their lives back together at their ranch in East Texas. Olivia Graham has strived to take care of her younger brothers and sisters. But their family circle was broken when their young brother Benjy disappeared. She can’t shake the feeling that he must be out there, somewhere. Brody Armstrong, a handsome but rough-around-the-edges Texas Ranger, has been working on their case for months, and now he has a promising lead. As Liv follows him across the rugged Texas landscape and into Mexico, she’ll begin to find the answers she needs – as Brody finds a passion he didn’t know he wanted…
Trish Doller: Something Like Normal
When Travis returns home from a stint in Afghanistan, his parents are splitting up, his brother’s stolen his girlfriend and his car, and he’s haunted by nightmares of his best friend’s death. It’s not until Travis runs into Harper, a girl he’s had a rocky relationship with since middle school, that life actually starts looking up. And as he and Harper see more of each other, he begins to pick his way through the minefield of family problems and post-traumatic stress to the possibility of a life that might resemble normal again. Travis’s dry sense of humor, and incredible sense of honor, make him an irresistible and eminently lovable hero.
Myra McEntire: Hourglass 02 – Timepiece
Kaleb Ballard was never supposed to be able to see ripples—cracks in time. Are Kaleb’s powers expanding, or is something very wrong? Before Kaleb can find out, Jonathan Landers, the man who tried to murder his father, reappears. Why is he back, and what, or whom, does he want?

In the wake of Landers’s return, the Hourglass organization is offered an ultimatum by a mysterious man. Either they find Landers and the research he has stolen on people who might carry the time gene, or time will be altered—with devastating results for the people Kaleb loves most.

Now Kaleb, Emerson, Michael, and the other Hourglass recruits have no choice but to use their extraordinary powers to find Landers. But where do they even start? And when? Even if they succeed, just finding him may not be enough. . . .

Lauren Kate: Fallen 04 – Rapture
Like sand through an hourglass, time is running out for Luce and Daniel. To stop Lucifer from erasing the past, they must find the place where the angels fell to earth. Dark forces are after them, and Daniel doesn’t know if he can do this—live only to lose Luce again and again. Yet together they face an epic battle that will end with lifeless bodies . . . and angel dust. Great sacrifices are made. Hearts are destroyed. And suddenly Luce knows what must happen. For she was meant to be with someone other than Daniel. The curse they’ve borne has always and only been about her—and the love she cast aside. The choice she makes now is the only one that truly matters. In the fight for Luce, who will win?
Richelle Mead: Bloodlines 02 – The Golden Lily
Tough, brainy alchemist Sydney Sage and doe-eyed Moroi princess Jill Dragomir are in hiding at a human boarding school in the sunny, glamorous world of Palm Springs, California. The students–children of the wealthy and powerful–carry on with their lives in blissful ignorance, while Sydney, Jill, Eddie, and Adrian must do everything in their power to keep their secret safe. But with forbidden romances, unexpected spirit bonds, and the threat of Strigoi moving ever closer, hiding the truth is harder than anyone thought.
Anne Greenwood Brown: Lies Beneath
Calder White lives in the cold, clear waters of Lake Superior, the only brother in a family of murderous mermaids. To survive, Calder and his sisters prey on humans and absorb their positive energy. Usually, they select their victims at random, but this time around, the underwater clan chooses its target for a reason: revenge. They want to kill Jason Hancock, the man they blame for their mother’s death.

It’s going to take a concerted effort to lure the aquaphobic Hancock onto the water. Calder’s job is to gain Hancock’s trust by getting close to his family. Relying on his irresistible good looks and charm, Calder sets out to seduce Hancock’s daughter Lily. Easy enough, but Calder screws everything up by falling in love–just as Lily starts to suspect there’s more to the monster-in-the-lake legends than she ever imagined, and just as the mermaids threaten to take matters into their own hands, forcing Calder to choose between them and the girl he loves.

One thing’s for sure: whatever Calder decides, the outcome won’t be pretty.

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